Sign Language Interpreters in Public Schools Kit
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Sign Language Interpreters in Public Schools Kit

The three part DVD discuss the special issues and problems facing administrators, interpreters, and teachers and offer a wide range of solutions. The Administrator section addresses interpreter's job descriptions, supervising and evaluating interpreters, complying with PL 94-142 in meeting students' differing communicative needs, interpreters' ethical standards, expectations, and dilemmas, recruiting competent interpreters. The Teacher section addresses the interpreter role and function, the interpreter as a member of the educational team, teaching with another adult in the classroom, physical and environmental considerations, classroom communication issues. The Interpreter section discusses ethical standards, expectations, and dilemmas, working with teachers who are reluctant to have an interpreter in their class, interpreter role and function, skill development and enhancement, professional growth and development, on the job supervision and evaluation. This kit will make planning in-service orientations easier, ensure consistency in providing orientation information to new faculty and staff, provide a basis for a comprehensive orientation program, provides printed materials to use as handouts at orientations. Reproducible printed material is also included for the DVD.